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FULL Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente (Chueca) Sao Paulo 2024 Yohana Granatta, Jacqueline Domingos, Elisa Furtado, Rodrigo Carvalho

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Coro Osvaldo Lacerda   
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, essubs, gensubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente is aone- act zarzuela ( genre chico ) with a libretto by Miguel Ramos Carrión and music by Federico Chueca . It premiered at the Teatro Apolo in Madrid on June 23, 1897. The play was performed at the Apolo and then during the summer it moved to the Teatro Príncipe Alfonso ; in mid-September it returned to the Apolo. It reached two hundred performances without interruption. In 1897, with the hundredth performance, a tribute was paid to its authors Chueca and Ramos Carrión. For years it remained on the billboards of other theaters in Spain and Latin America, becoming part of almost all lyrical repertoires. It is one of the works that best represents the genre chico.

The action takes place in Madrid in August at a refreshment stand (el aguaducho). The plot revolves around a financial entanglement in which the protagonists are unwittingly involved. The central character in the plot is Aquilino, a businessman, owner of cheap rental flats and a moneylender. note 2

Serafín, the young lettuce-like son of a politician, Simona, mother of Atanasia (Asia to her friends), the young romantic and dreamy, amateur poetess, and Pepa, who has rented the Recoletos watering hole, are in debt with Aquilino. Aquilino has the habit of marking the bills that he lends to his debtors, so that at the end when Simona and Pepa pay off the debt, he realizes that he has in his hands the money that he once lent to Serafín. “They pay me with my own money,” he says maliciously, suspecting that Serafín understands both the young Asia and Pepa. In between, the theme of love, seduction, financial difficulties, jealousy, fraud, nostalgia or saudade for Galician nannies appear, ending with a parade of chulapos and chulapas in homage to the San Lorenzo festival.

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