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FULL A Story I Wish I Was Told Lunch Concert Utrecht 2024 Ilse Schuit, Suzanne Charité, Veronika Akmetchina

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: TivoliVredenburg  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

At the Lunch Concert Classical on Friday afternoon you will hear the greatest musical promises. In A Story I Wish I Was Told, a life story is revealed in five songs. Not only that of the composer himself, but also that of many other queer people. Written from the perspective of today, looking at that insecure teenager, at the child who knew nothing yet. Love, self-discovery and above all that eternal search for what it means to be your true self, in this song cycle we look back on the past and think: “what would I have liked to know sooner?”

Kiete van der Laan shares from A story I wish I was told
Ilse Schuit soprano
Suzanne Charité mezzo-soprano
Toon Bierman piano

Verdi La traviata: È strano … Semper libera
Veronika Akmetchina soprano
Toon Bierman piano

Strauss II Die Fledermaus: Spiel ich die Unschuld vom Lande
Mozart parts from Così fan tutte, Le nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni and La clemenza di Tito
Copland The Tender Land: Laurie’s song
Pergolesi La serva padrona: Stizzoso, mio ​​stizzoso
Gluck La Rencontre imprévue: J’ai fait un rêve
Toon Bierman piano
Annelies Deweerdt soprano
Adelaide Ouwerkerk soprano
Suzanne Charité mezzo-soprano
Bohdan Zahvorodnii baritone

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