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FULL 5th International Adam Didur Opera Singing Competition Third Round & Winners Bytom 2024

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Opera Śląska  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Participants Round Three:

1. Dutkowska Kamila / sopran / Polska
2. Haich Iryna / mezzosopran / Ukraina
3. Legun Gabriela / sopran / Polska
4. Li Lantao / baryton / Chiny
5. Ning Long / tenor / Chiny
6. Priebe Małgorzata / sopran / Polska

7. Radecka Monika / sopran / Polska
8. Rutkowski Filip / bas / Polska
9. Theil Tomasz /bas / Polska
10. Trojak Paweł / baryton / Polska
11. Wiktorzak Marta / mezzosopran / Polska
12. Blanik Aleksandra /sopran / Polska


Honorable Mentions – 12,900 PLN (equivalent to 3,000 EUR) awarded to:

Kamila Dutkowska
Monika Radecka
Filip Rutkowski
3rd Prize – 30,100 PLN (equivalent to 7,000 EUR) awarded to:

Iryna Haich
2nd Prize – 43,000 PLN (equivalent to 10,000 EUR) awarded to:

Aleksandra Blanik
1st Prize – 64,500 PLN (equivalent to 15,000 EUR) awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Best Accompanist Prize – 6,450 PLN (equivalent to 1,500 EUR) awarded to:

Gabriela Lasota
Audience Favorite Prize (10,000 PLN, awarded by Mariusz Wołosz, President of Bytom) with 117 votes awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Best Polish Participant Prize (10,000 PLN, awarded by Marcin Krupa, President of Katowice) awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Franz Landsberger Descendants’ Prize – 4,300 PLN (equivalent to 1,000 EUR) awarded to:

Tomasz Theil
Semperoper Dresden Director’s Prize | Invitation to perform in a production at Semperoper Dresden awarded to:

Filip Rutkowski
Director of Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw, Waldemar Dąbrowski Prize for the best performance of a Stanisław Moniuszko aria | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Director of Wrocław Opera, Tomasz Janczak Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Wrocław Opera awarded to:

Aleksandra Blanik
Director of Polish Royal Opera in Warsaw, Magdalena Kaczorowska Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at the Polish Royal Opera awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Director of Baltic Opera in Gdańsk, Romuald Wicza-Pokojski Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at the Baltic Opera awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Director of Teatr Wielki in Poznań, Renata Borowska-Juszczyńska Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Teatr Wielki in Poznań awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Director of Lviv National Opera, Vasyl Vovkun Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Lviv National Opera awarded to:

Gabriela Legun
Director of Warsaw Chamber Opera, Alicja Węgorzewska-Whiskerd Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Warsaw Chamber Opera awarded to:

Małgorzata Priebe
Director of the Competition and Silesian Opera, Łukasz Goik Prize | Invitation to perform in a production or concert at Silesian Opera awarded to:

Aleksandra Blanik, Monika Radecka, Tomasz Theil
President of the Polish-Ukrainian Paderewski Foundation, Adam Bala Prize | Invitation to perform in a concert organized by the foundation awarded to:

Iryna Haich
Director of the Paderewski Center in Kąśna Dolna, Łukasz Gaj Prize | Invitation to perform at the final concert of the BRAVO MAESTRO festival on August 24, 2025 awarded to:

Kamila Dutkowska

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